October 18, 2006
Stroke after stroke wears me down
And I wish I could be done although I feel I must go on
Life is like a great marathon that goes on and never ends
Just like a race there are rules that can not be bent
Don’t know what to do, I’m tired yet still must go on cue.
The water is the edge of hell’s door ever slowing me down making me stay at shore
One mistake could send me falling into the depths of hell so keep to my technique or fail
It is the wall that blocks me from the goal at hand
So as the blade of God I must slice through the wall as straight as a needle
As swift as a cheetah will I glide no matter how strong or wide
Not this time or any other, will you claim my soul into the dark depths of your domain.
My ever tiring arms are what pull me through to You
Without them I would surely fall because they are what hold me tall
Nice and steady I must keep them or to tired will I become
They must never go to fast nor to slow or shambles will I be after I lose my key
Always in a rhythm will they be never looking forward at this endless sea
These are the bearings that lift me up to You, weary they become yet still they are fairing.
Each breath I take is as if giving into desire and nearing that eternal fire
Though I crave for air I must hold it in till I can not hold any longer
For each breath slows me down and I fear I’ll never be found
Oh curse this dreaded life that makes me go through such strife
I can not wait to reach the flags knowing that I’m nearing my tag
When final I may pass that weary and dreadful task.
Nearer and nearer I come to being done but still I must go on
For second after second ticks on and moment after moment counts
For without speed I’ll fall fast into last
And if I’m last, fall I will, into that horrid place where they creep and crawl
Ahhh! The pain is unbearable yet sacrifices must be made to reach the final day
For there I shall rejoice because my task is has been completed and I’ll look back and say
“Oh at least it was good fun but I’m glad I’m finally done.”